The most exciting thing in my life at the moment is the fact that I am moving furniture into my lounge/dinning room which has been empty (apart from paint cans) for the better part of six months. Here is my new table, chairs and buffe which has been sitting in the garage since January. In the photo the table and chairs look totally different colours to the buffe but they actually blend quite well in real life.

I now have to make that table runner and placemats that I put on the backburner. Maybe this weekend (fingers crossed).
Here is a picture of beads that I made up for my friend Sue's birthday. Yesterday I got the requirements list for our Road Trip to Loxton to meet Leanne Beasley , Gail Pan and Viviane Robinson (who replaces Rosalie) for a wonderful three days of sewing. Just about ready to start counting sleeps. Might go shopping tomorrow to the Keeping Room for Vivianes Project. After looking at the requirements list I have enough for possibly 3 quilts(leanne) and 2 bags (gail) so I have to go and look for fabric for a basket and possibly a basket.