31 August 2007
Cloth Paper Scissors

28 August 2007
I'm a Little Sad the Harry Potter Has ended
Now I had better go back to doing some sewing I think. I saw the new blackbird range this morning at the Fat Quarter Shop, might have to get a bit of it, I really love there cross stitch pieces, great for background for applique. The range is called Madiera and they have a block of the month also which is very tempting.
23 August 2007
Gotta Love Jelly Rolls and Charm Packs
19 August 2007
Is it Kinda Cheating?

Here is my version of Leanne's Quilt from the Loxton Road Trip.
I went a bit mad with this range Roman Holiday by 3 Sisters. I just loved it and I ended up getting a lot of it including a couple of charm packs, a jelly roll which I shared with a friend and 3 lots of 2yard lengths for borders. Now all I have to do is decide what will be my final border. Might put a thin border round the stars first. Looking at the picture I am leaning towards the border strip I think I might leave it for a week and then go and have a fresh look. Well No 3 Project is almost done.
16 August 2007
No 2 Finished

14 August 2007
Project 1 Finished

RULES - Post rules before giving the facts - Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules - At the end of the your blog you need to tag eight people and list their names - Leave them a comment on their blog, telling them they have been tagged and not to forget to read your blog.
I don't do the tagging thingy but here are eight random facts about me.
- I religiously watch Friday night crime night on the ABC.
- My favourite colour is hot pink, followed closely by lime green.
- I always collect at least 15 - 20 m of fabric for a quilt. Yes my stash is at this present time totally out of control and exceeding my storage space.
- I love love love to shop.
- I gotta have gadgets (if it is new and to do with quilting I probably have got it, latest purchase is the yo yo makers and I hate yo yo's, but mine are hot pink, electric blue and lime green so they must be cool).
- I get really bad motion sickness in fact I drive everywhere, but recently found wrist bands with pressure points on them which allowed me to travel in the back seat on our Road Trip to Loxton with no pit stops.
- I had a breast reduction 3 years ago and lost 1/2 a stone in a day.
- I rarely drink but when I do it is only Jim Beam and coke.
09 August 2007
Pat Sloan Club 2007

04 August 2007
Home and almost recovered
Above are Carmel and Sue in our "extra large" cabin.