Been in a bit of a post xmas funk, I think I'm just winding down from a busy year, both at work and a bit of stress on the home front with extended family. DH keeps asking what I want to do each day and I just want to do nothing and go with the flow for this week as least with no plans attached. He struggles with this concept... I'm struggling with the concept of getting up before 9 this week at least I'll probably have to pull that back next week.
Christmas evening Grange Beach, this picture doesn't reflect the number of people that were there at 8pm at night. Behind us towards the Jetty there were lots of family and friends groups having a wonderful time in the cool air. I don't blame them Xmas day was 40C it was probably high 20's when we hit the beach which was magical.
We had reasonable warning that Xmas day was going to be extreme so we cooked the Turkey outside xmas eve on the WebberQ. It turned out perfect and there were no complaints about it being dry and we picked a good ham. DH family can be quite brutal about Xmas lunch... don't get me started on the argument about having a cold lunch and how it isn't trying. One day someones going to get slapped big time 😈 but the family is dealing with the slow mental decline of my MIL so I will cut them some slack.
My xmas present to myself was a fitbit 2 which I am loving. I stopped wearing my original fitbit when I battled depression 18 months ago as I was struggling to get out of bed to walk and then the side affects from the meds were a bit full on first thing in the morning and the rest of the time I was just making excuses. Its taken me a couple of days to get my walking count up but I have managed and exceed the 10,0000 the last 3 days. And although I was initially scared about the sleep monitoring as I know don't sleep well and rarely sleep a full night I have been surprised how much sleep I am getting... might be a bit different when I have to get out of bed before 9 though. I'm also increasing my water intake which I know has been a problem recently and its easy to document how much a drink quickly on the app.
DH has been building a gym for the kids over the last 12 months and it is pretty much finished and we installed a treadmill just before xmas and we have all been using it. Them to run me to walk I think it maybe a while before I get up to running (if ever I've never been a runner). We already had a weights machine from when we first moved in together 25 years ago and its still does the job.
Maestro is building up his left arm and although it is still slightly smaller I think only family would notice now. It only a couple of weeks until we go back to the surgeon hopefully he will give him the all clear to resume karate.
Mo is running daily and is tinkering with the idea of going vegan for a while. She was getting a bit of flack from school about how thin she is and the fact that the first thing she does when someone hands her packaged food is reads the label. DH has voiced his concerns but as I explained to him she does eat 3 meals a day (he and Maestro never have breakfast), she doesn't eat a lot of processed food and she listens to her body. She knows what excess sugar does to her and since she has been cooking all our meals she now eats a bigger variety of food and tries more stuff. If we can get her to stop baking cakes we would all be healthier. I'm hoping exploring the vegan thing will mean she has less time for cake baking.
Fingers crossed with a bit of hard work we will be healthier and fitter in 2017.