I find that I procrastinate if I don't have a deadline. I have purpose when I have a deadline, even if it is one of those imaginary ones that I have given myself, things just get done if I have a deadline. Well the Loxton trip is looming and I have started to finish a few things and get on with a few other things. My Making Memories Quilt top is finish (I cheated a bit and decided not to stitch all the blocks just most of the blocks and there are few that will stay as black lines but who cares it is finished). My quilt that I made from Leannes block is hanging from my cupboard to inspire me to put the final border on mmmm mitred corners ....... the only thing putting me off. I might just get on with it this weekend because I think next week I will be starting to do the embellishing class with Dale so I will be putting the felting foot onto the Bernina.
I had better get some batting as well so that I can quilt these two quilts it would be good to have them finished for the trip instead of just tops.
This weeks photography class was on portraits I hated it, I am really not enjoying photography though I have learnt a lot about the camera I just feel so inadequate. I didn't enjoy taking portraits I thought about it on the way home and I think it is because I kind of feel like I am invading the model's privacy. I now am waiting for the 250 pictures to download and the lecturer wants them printed off to show to the class and burnt to disk for the models if they want them. I don't think they'll want any of mine. He also wants us to enter something in the Adelaide Show don't think that will be happening either.

Had a lovely trip to DK's this week shopping for the Embellishing Workshop with Kay, I had spied this beautiful hand painted silk a couple of weeks before and we discovered 3 different colours of it trouble was it was $42/m. We decided we had to have all three colours and bought 20cm which we had cut in half as it was 1.4m wide. The girl was very careful cutting it (think it took her 20min) I have taken a picture don't know if it does it justice though.