I have been having a bit of design block lately, well not exactly design block but more of can't be bothered type of block, what is the point kind of block. My mixed media is keeping the creativity bubbling along but my stitching has taking a back step.
Usually when I need more inspiration the credit card takes a bit of punishment, because I love books and they are the best inspiration I find. It must be working because I have a couple of idea's for quilts in my head, nothing big just small project that I hope that will be achievable in the next little while so I get my mojo back.
On the weekend I purchased an old book for the bargain price of 10c to become and art journal and start some of the exercises in the "The Art Journal Workshop". There are a couple of exercised that I really want to do soon. One is called Purge and reading through it I realised I do have some baggage that I need to purge. Though I have to admit that all the thinking about doing the exercise has lessened the urgent need to do it right now. I am probably over the things that were eating at me a couple of weeks ago but it will be good to articulate the feelings in the written word and then finish the exercise.
"Creative Doodling and Beyond" only arrived on Tuesday and I haven't really had a chance to read through but a quick flip through has promised lots of doodling inspiration and from that hopefully lots of stitching inspiration.
I love the Apronology publication, I don't know why I just do. There are usually no actual patterns, just basic instructions or tips to create the aprons which are usually types of wearable art. I think my love for this magazine probably stems from my Nan who always wore her apron which was neck to knee, button at the back affair to keep her clothes clean while she did the housework, cooked and whatever. Probably should have learned from that when I look at the washing at the end of the week and I have various recipes splash across the front of whatever I have worn.

The last book purchase is Lynette Anderson's new one. The clincher for the purchase of this book is that her first button club quilt is in it. I missed the boat on that one, but have collected her next 2 and I have even started the latest one. I saw the first button club done in brighter fabrics and I really liked it but by that time it was too late to get the buttons or the patterns but now the buttons have been released as a set, however buying them all at once is a bit of OMG moment so but I think I will make do without the buttons and just do the stitcheries and make the little quilt. There is also a bag and a purse that may get done pretty quickly because they are just super cute and I need to do something quick.
The final piece of inspiration is my new bundle of Jane Sassaman Fabric I did have an idea for a quilt for but I have just got phone call to say that a Amy Butler pattern I was after is in so it might end up being something else. Watch this space.