And routine is returning to the household. Squid had a pupil free day today so she starts back tomorrow. Even though I work most holidays it is good to come home and not have to rush anywhere and now we have daylight saving so it feels like there are so many more hours in the day.
However thoughts of summer appears to have deserted us today with the temperature dropping to 14 degrees today, can't believe just a couple of days ago it was 33 and the kids were swimming at the beach.

We had a luna eclipse the other night, I had the camera out and got a few shots most weren't that good. It was a bit chilly out and I ended up giving up about half way through the proceedings. Here are the best of my shots which look a bit blurry I was a bit hampered by street lights and the townhouses next door.

My applique quilt is moving along slowly but I am enjoying the process. I have started on the flying geese border and half the required geese have been stitched. I need to make the negative ones, these are all cut out ready to stitch. I am kind of glad that my appliqué class got cancelled because I would have just rushed to get this quilt finished if it had gone ahead and I think I have done a better job by not rushing and pushing myself which at this time of year with my day job isn't a good thing.
I think I will end up writing the pattern to this quilt which means Squid can't have it for a little while yet, but as she already has a quilt on her bed so I am sure she can wait.
I've also now been asked to take on more work with my day job for our Head Office, it will be different work from what I do for the branch and it is helping out with IT. They are happy for me to do this from home as I really didn't want to increase me hours in the office as it means I wouldn't be able to pick up and drop kids off at school and their sport commitments. The boss sees it as a win win situation as it will also mean that I can work from home when the kids get sick.
In other news I will be teaching my Forest of Tree Ornies at
Patchwork By Sea on the 1st of November so contact the shop if you are in Adelaide and would like a fun day of stitching and ornie making. These also make great gift tags for pressies. I am currently stitching alternative colour versions from some Lynnette Anderson Christmas Fabric and they are going to look lovely in burgundy thread. I have posted a few pictures on
instagram head on over and check them out.
The Chocolate Marshmallow Sampler Blocks 3 and 4 instructions are all written up and are ready to be posted on Wednesday so make sure you have downloaded last months instructions prior.
Remember to let me know if you have any questions and send me photo's of your finished block and I will post them on the blog.