08 July 2024

15 Minute Challenge & More Stitching

 I've been doing more stitching this week.  Everytime I crochet it makes my shoulder hurt so  I turned to stitching which doesn't seem to be so problematic.  I have started another hand pieced border and finished the last appliqué square for the Lacropte Quilt.  On the weekend I did I started cutting and stitching small 4 patch squares that make up the next border and cutting the squares for the pinwheel.  Still have quite a bit of cutting and machine stitching to get them finished but probably by the time the hand piecing is done the cutting and stitching for the machine pieced borders will be done.  

I also started working on a baby quilt for my co-worker, his wife is due to have their first child in 2 months.  The quilt is Posie by Judy Newman, it has cluster of hexagons appliquéd to a background.  I picked the fabrics and fussy cut most of the hexagons so that it will be  like a small eye spy quilt.  Have to get something simple for the background thinking either a small dot or something similar in a light green though he did tell me they are having a boy.  

I have dowloaded another CAL by a crochet designer that I have been following, I'm struggling with the pattern at the moment so it isn't taking much for me to leave it alone.  I think I much prefer when there are charts so I can check against my understanding of the directions but this one only has pictures and words and it is US terms which I struggle with at the best of times.  Will go back to it when my arm is feeling better or I just feel like a challenge.  

Mo has started reformer pilates which has a class on Sunday morning, the class looks out onto a manmade lake near us so I took the chance to have a change of venue for my daily walk.  Its saltwater and a bit smelly in places but it was good to have a bit of change of scenery and I got a nice long walk in while I waited for the class to finish.  

Think thats it for me.  Work is busy but I'm glad I have some stitching to keep me sane.  

As usual head to Kate's to see how everyone is going.  

17 June 2024

15 Minute and Decisions

 Another busy week just flew by.  Work was a bit manic trying to make up for the public holiday.  Feeling a bit more on top of things today but still have lots to get done, decided to work from home tomorrow so I can have a good stretch of uninterrupted  hours to get through some of my tasks done.  

I have a decision to make for one of my new starts.   What should be my centre for this quilt.  I only have 1m of the fabric and of course the bird I like is at the top and bottom of the 1m piece.  The last image is the one I want to go with but the girls think I need a more central image.  

My reasoning is that the focal point of the last bird is the centre and the flower on the left also faces the centre.  It would be easy if I like the parrot but I don't like that particular bird (it is also in the centre of the fabric piece so makes it an easier choice, but its a hard no from me.  

The pattern also has a few more smaller frames like this around the edge which I think will be perfect for more birds 

I'm going to let it sit for a while, do some more of the frame and make a decision latter.  

I've made a bit more progress on my crochet square but need to give it a rest my shoulder is causing me some grief if I do too much.  Back to more sewing this week.  

Head to Kates to catch up with everyone.  

10 June 2024

15 Minute Challenge and a Long Weekend

I was going to do a maybe login a do some work this weekend but instead  I managed to do lots of sewing and crochet, a much better way to get through 3 days.  

Saturday was Crochet Guild Meeting and it was perfect timing for Knitting/Crochet in Public DayThe Cove had an outing for show and tell and now it is back safely on Mo's bed and I've started a new project, it is using my lovely Poll Merino Yarn. 

I have also been moving ahead with LaCropte that was started at the workshop a few weeks ago and have pulled the fabric for another Judy Newman Quilt.  This one is huge it will definitely be a long term project but I have the perfect focus fabric I just have to decide if I want to use the birds or the flowers as the focus.  

I have finished the first hexagon ring and am going to use it to audition the centre.  I have done enough paper piecing today, tonight I am going to get back to some appliqué for LaCropt.  There is still some Octagons to cut out and plenty of squares, so there is plenty of hand piecing for the coming weeks.  

That's it for me at least I am managing some sewing the last few weeks, as Mo works most Monday's when I usually blog, it has been hard as we drive to the city and pick her up at the end of the day, it is dark when she finishes work and she has to walk through badly lit parks to get to the train station.  

27 May 2024

15 Minute Challenge A Finish and Progress on A Quilt

 Its been another busy week.  It was Mo's boyfriend birthday and it seemed like we were driving her everywhere this week what with work pick ups now that it is dark when she finishes and needing to be places. I think this week will be quieter.  

The Cove is finished. Luckily it has been unseasonably warm this week apart from being freezing in the mornings so only 3 days to dry on the blocking mat.  I'll take nicer photo's on the weekend or maybe sooner as it is supposed to start raining in a few days.  

Now that the Cove is done I have returned to La Cropte which I started in the class last weekend.  I have just finished the centre block.  There is now lots of hand piecing to do and a bit more appliqué for the next border.  

That's it for this week short and sweet.  I'm off to first aid training tomorrow the pre learning took up most of yesterday afternoon which I had planned to binge watch something and stitch instead I read about CPR and Snake Bites.  

Head to Kates to see how everyone is going.  

20 May 2024

15 Minute and Wonderful Weekend

 A couple of months ago I decided to enrol in a quilting Class with Judy Newman and Margaret Mew.  I wasn't really aware of Margaret's quilts but loved the last Judy Newman class that I did which was before COVID hit.  There were quite a few students around 25 maybe close to 30  but with 2 teachers it didn't seem like we missed out on anything they worked together like a well oiled machine.   There were lots of demonstrations and lots of talks about their process, how they choose colour, hand applique, quilting and hand piecing.  Many of their quilts are coverlets which is an epiphany so I think I will be making coverlets in the future even if it is just so they are easier to store.    

All in all the venue was great, the people were lovely and I had a wonderful time its just too bad I had to go back to work today I think I would have loved just having a couple of more days to just play with fabric.  

Below are pictures of some of their show and tell at the beginning of the class.    The extra large pictures are of the quilts that were being taught.  

I finished the centre appliqué of Judy's quilt and am starting on the 2nd border of octagons.  

I really want to get the Cove finished before I get started on the quilt for real.  
2 and a bit rows to go and it will be done.  As it has got really cold I do not know how long it is going to take for the blocking to completely dry.  Fingers crossed it will be done by this time next week.  

I made a purchase just before Mother's Day.  We got a new lounge suite and I wanted something nice to put my sewing stuff in to make the room the room a bit more formal.  So I went to the local disposals for 2nd hand furniture and found this.  I'm not sure if it is very old I think it is a reproduction of some kind but it is english and it has proper joins not just nailed together or stuck together.  I was a bit scratched in places but a bit of stain helped that.  It fits all my sewing stuff apart from a pile of quilts that use to be in the ugly plastic cupboard that this replace.  So I might have to make another trip for a something to store them in but I have seen a few things on facebook marketplace that are tempting but probably not tempting enough to go down that rabbit hole.  

06 May 2024

15 Minute Challenge - Quick Update

The weather has been rather glorious the last couple of weeks, though morning's have been really cold which makes it hard to get out and go for a walk but I have been keeping it up.  We should be getting rain now but it has been mostly dry.

Mo is going to do a couple of markets at the Uni for the next 2 days.  Now that we have a minion at work I can take the time off and help her.  Hopefully she will be able to get a few Mother's day sales so that she makes some money.    She has been working on her set up over the weekend, so we don't have to think too much when we get there.  

The Cove CAL is slowly moving along, I have 3 sides of the small squares done and halfway through the last side, then it is only a few rows and it is finished.  It has come out a nice size lap blanket which will get lots  of use in Mo's room when its finished.  The next project I want to start is a blanket for our new Lounge which arrives tomorrow.  

I have been pulling fabric for the Judy Newman and Margaret Mew's Class in a couple of weeks time, it has taken a couple of weeks of pressing / sorting fabric and I think I have changed my mind a couple of times.  I don't really want to take my car and I am having DH drop me off so I'm not sure how much fabric I should take.  At the moment 3 large piles that need to be whittled away.  

That's it for me this week head to Kate's to see what everyone is up to.  

22 April 2024

15 Minute Challenge and Graduation

 We attended Mo's graduation ceremony last week.  It was a beautiful autumn day, there was a train strike so we had to find alternative transport.  So we did the drive and ride on the tram.  There was a huge metal band playing at the Entertainment Centre which is the tram intersection which was interesting.  There were quite a few Goth's lined up when we arrived to go into the city, when we arrived back there was an unbelievable number waiting in line to go in.  All very well behaved I might add but very interesting outfits and lots of piercings on display.  Mo was particularly impressed with the green mohawk sported by one guy.  

Mo had to arrive early so we did a bit of window shopping in the city before making our way to the ceremony.  DH thought we were at Hogwarts there was lots of pomp and ceremony in the Graduate Ceremony.  We took the opportunity to take photo's, she is just a camera shy as I am.  

It's been slow going on the stitching and crocheting front.  I have been fabric sorting ready for a class I will be doing in May and trying to get small squares done for my Cove Cal.  Last week I attended the Crochet Guild meeting which was fun again.  Lots of very talented ladies in attendance.  

Thats it for me this week head to Kate's.  

08 April 2024

15 Minute Challenge & Finish

There was a couple of days when didn't manage 15 minutes but I did have a finish this week.  I decided that my redwork be suitable for a bag.  I have been wanting to make this type of bag for a while, can't say that I found the instructions all that easy to follow but I got there in the end. I  think it may have been linen  mixed with the iron on pelon, I notice I didn't have as much of an issue with the lining which was just cotton. 

DH is slowly recovery he has stopped all the medication now so its just time for the nerves in his face to get back to normal.

That's it for me this week short and sweet.  

01 April 2024

15 Minute Challenge & Happy Easter

 We have had a very quiet Easter.  Hubby was feeling off Thursday afternoon which ended in numbness in his face and odd change in his taste.  He was worse Good Friday and we got up early and tried to find a Dr open.  Luckily there is a 365 Clinic not far from us and he got in early.  He was diagnosed with Bells Palsy  and then the hunt was on for a chemist open on Good Friday to get the meds to help improve his symptoms not sure if he is better today or not his face is still lopsided but he thinks maybe his mouth is a little less numb on the inside.  

He's pretty much stuck to the couch and sleeping on and off and he will be back to the Drs tomorrow to see how he is faring.  

I've been stitching and crocheting.  My red work is now finished, the centre of the Cove is done and I have started on the border squares.   I think the red work will end up as a bag just have to decide what type of bag to make.  

25 March 2024

15 Minute & Joining In

 The heat has finally stopped.  There was a couple of days of low 30's and now the weather nice and mild.  In fact the morning a quite chilly have had to pull out a jumper to go for my morning walks... but I'm not complaining. 

Last week I join the Australian Crochet Guild, the local chapter meets in a pub on a Saturday morning.   The pub has to be open  for pokies but the place is empty (apart from the pokies room) .  The ladies meet in  the beer garden, and a few of the ladies stay for lunch after the meeting.   I think there was about 15 ladies meeting up to crochet and talk about crochet and the annual conference which is due to happen in June.   It is only their second meeting but it was good fun to meet with like minded ladies look at what everyone is doing and share ideas.  

I've worked more on my redwork embroidery.  This time I used the non sticky wash away, which was way better than the sticky variety.  No residue on the needle to contend with.  Need to get back to it, but I have been trying to finish the centre of the Cove (see below), but I plan to pick it up again tomorrow night.  

The Cove is growing.  One more row and I'm up to the smaller squares that surround the middle.  At least they will be nice a portable.  

I just got delivery of some new yarn which will go with my new lounge which is on order.  I have picked the pattern which I found on pinterest, it's an organic/wool mix in a pretty green.  

Lastly we sorted tickets for Mo Graduation Ceremony and paid for her gown rental, which I thi
nk is just another way for the Uni to squeeze a few more bucks out of us before she finishes.   Her job is going well and she is happy doing 3 days a week.  Each nite she lets us know what she has done so we can spy the graphics on the nightly news.  

That's it for me this week have a good week.  


11 March 2024

15 Minute and Heatwave

 We are in the middle of a heatwave, cooler change is expected Thursdays, the nights have been up round 25 - 29C and day temps are high 30's with the worse day Saturday being 42.  Can't say it has been conducive for working on my crochet, just too hot. 

The week before I just didn't feel like doing much probably just tired from my work trip.  Although I have finished a couple of rows on The Cove the heat has put a stop to it this week.  

Last weekend I went to Fibre Feast, not for a long time I did purchase some more Leahcim Wool, I'm planning on an Afghan of some kind, just waiting to find the right pattern.   The colours I have mix nicely with the stash I already have.  

On Saturday (yes the hot day) I was booked into a redwork class with Lorraine from Hetties Patch.  It was held in the Navy, Military and Airforce Club in the city up stairs in their Library.  At least the air conditioning was good so we didn't even notice the heat of the day.  Had a lovely time with a lot of like minded ladies doing hand work.  Dh dropped me off and picked me up so I didn't have to worry about parking (though they did have onsite parking which I will use if I do a class there again).

Can't say I liked using the Sulky which I have used before making felt ornaments, it gums up the needle which I can't cope with.  Part of the kit was the non glue variety which I will try next.  It does dissolve nicely though with no trace so the non glue might just the trick.    I bought a small printed panel which I am adding some embroidery to.  And will add more to the initial when I decide what I want to put round it probably some more sprays of flowers.  

I decided to book into another class in Lorraine is running with interstate teachers in May its a 3 day workshop help in a local cafe with a gallery space.  I haven't felt like stitching much lately but the one day workshop has helped giving me back my stitching mojo.  

Below is the french panel, haven't decided what I will do with it, might make a project bag (you can never have enough).

Head to Kates to see how everyone is travelling.  

26 February 2024

15 Minute Challenge & Melbourne Trip

 Its been a slow week on the stitching front, and even on the crochet front (only 3 days this week).  Spent 3 days in Melbourne on a business trip to celebrate the company I work for 50th birthday.  

There was lots of fun,  a quite a bit of work and schmoozing with big wigs. I was pretty spent by the time I got home Friday afternoon and have spent the weekend catching up on sleep.  

One thing the company does well is feed you.  Even though it was working lunch there was lots of food for both lunches.  Followed by a big dinner on the first night, we then went to see  Grease the Musical the seats weren't the greatest as you can see by my picture but the musical was great with a couple of veteran Australian stars in the cast.  Thursday night was a cocktail party which some people partied hard after, my coworkers were 2 that stayed up late even though we had a morning meeting with our biggest clients.  

We had a couple of inspirational speakers the first was Tim Cope who followed the trail of Genghis Khan on horseback from Mongolia to Hungary and the 2nd was a SolarBuddy workshop which helps children living in energy poverty providing them with light.   

Mo has got an extra day in her new job so now she is working 3 days per week.  

So not much stitching this week.  Maybe next week I'll be able to report more on that front.