27 May 2024

15 Minute Challenge A Finish and Progress on A Quilt

 Its been another busy week.  It was Mo's boyfriend birthday and it seemed like we were driving her everywhere this week what with work pick ups now that it is dark when she finishes and needing to be places. I think this week will be quieter.  

The Cove is finished. Luckily it has been unseasonably warm this week apart from being freezing in the mornings so only 3 days to dry on the blocking mat.  I'll take nicer photo's on the weekend or maybe sooner as it is supposed to start raining in a few days.  

Now that the Cove is done I have returned to La Cropte which I started in the class last weekend.  I have just finished the centre block.  There is now lots of hand piecing to do and a bit more appliqué for the next border.  

That's it for this week short and sweet.  I'm off to first aid training tomorrow the pre learning took up most of yesterday afternoon which I had planned to binge watch something and stitch instead I read about CPR and Snake Bites.  

Head to Kates to see how everyone is going.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

The Cove turned out beautifully. Enjoy your stitching time this week, looks like you've found a fun new project to play with. Hopefully this week is much slower.