10 June 2024

15 Minute Challenge and a Long Weekend

I was going to do a maybe login a do some work this weekend but instead  I managed to do lots of sewing and crochet, a much better way to get through 3 days.  

Saturday was Crochet Guild Meeting and it was perfect timing for Knitting/Crochet in Public DayThe Cove had an outing for show and tell and now it is back safely on Mo's bed and I've started a new project, it is using my lovely Poll Merino Yarn. 

I have also been moving ahead with LaCropte that was started at the workshop a few weeks ago and have pulled the fabric for another Judy Newman Quilt.  This one is huge it will definitely be a long term project but I have the perfect focus fabric I just have to decide if I want to use the birds or the flowers as the focus.  

I have finished the first hexagon ring and am going to use it to audition the centre.  I have done enough paper piecing today, tonight I am going to get back to some appliqué for LaCropt.  There is still some Octagons to cut out and plenty of squares, so there is plenty of hand piecing for the coming weeks.  

That's it for me at least I am managing some sewing the last few weeks, as Mo works most Monday's when I usually blog, it has been hard as we drive to the city and pick her up at the end of the day, it is dark when she finishes work and she has to walk through badly lit parks to get to the train station.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

You've been busy with both yarn and fabric. I love the bright floral with the yellows. Looking forward to seeing more of all your various projects.