28 November 2008
Girls Night In - Cyber Stitching Day
Just got a letter in the post thanking me for raising money for the Girls Night In promotion. The donation was for $80 from the girls, which doesn't include my donation which I put through separately because I paid via visa. So once again a big thanks girls for participating. Please note that if you asked for a receipt it will take a couple of weeks for them to process it sometime before Christmas.
I am in a bit of a creative hole at the moment. I don't know what to make for the girls for Christmas. I have a dress for my daughter that needs to be put together before she gets too big for it which means it has to be finished for Christmas. Got to start all this stuff and I don't feel inclined to do anything which is really bad, because I have a day home today as we are having a new hot water system installed.
Now that the guy's are here I am going to pop out the shop (a book I ordered has arrived) and maybe the library and enlarge some of the patterns for the aprons that might get my mojo back...
Off to Hetties on Sunday (haven't broken the news to DH yet might spring it on him Saturday night lol) for morning tea.
If any of you are in the market for and Ipod or anything else Apple they have a huge sale on right now (for today only). Just picked up Photoshop Elements for Mac for a ridiculous price. So now I will be able to be a bit more regular with the photos on the blog (just for you Sue). It is also free shipping when you spend over $100, though I got fee shipping and I didn't spend that much so check it out.
27 November 2008
Uber Amazing Blog

Thanks to Tan for awarding me with the 'Uber Amazing Award'.
The rules of this award are:
*Put the logo on your blog or post
*Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that are Uber Amazing!
*Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
*Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
Thanks Tan for the honor, sorry I don't do the nominating thing it's another one of those things I am thingy about (maybe I am thingy about more things than I thought).
26 November 2008
Another Great Mail Week

The ornies are winging there ways to their new owners and a few have touched down with much excitement so I will be able to post photos soon.
This week I have had a couple of parcels of goodies arrive. Two from QFD the first being some more Paris fabric. I already have some of the black and white now I discovered the pink as well so of course that had to come home to my house. This coincided with my reaching my bonus level of referals for QFD so I got some store credit and of course I had to spend it. First was A is for Apron a fabulous book with every type of apron you could possibly want to make and more (adult and children's aprons are included) and then a couple of patterns were on the list Vintage Christmas by Janelle Wind and Gail Pan's Blessings to All. The next installment of Pockets of Posies arrived today which means I am only about 5 months behind.
Some of the apron are would make fabulous outfits in themselves I am sure I can modify them somehow. Now all I have to do is find the time.
24 November 2008
2008 Achievements - Completed 1 Quilt

Gone are the days when I would make several quilts in a year, this year I have made one. Gail Pan's Seasons. You have probably seen it a couple of times on the blog in various forms completeness but here is it all quilted with binding added (my least favourite part) so it is the last time that you have to look at it. I am really happy with the quilting, though I hated doing it sooooooooo boring doing straight line quilting, so it took a couple of months to finish.
The kids and I put up the christmas trees yesterday, must admit that was a bit stressful. Now the girls from Cyber stitching now know that I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to catering....Now I have to admit to another thing I am thingy about and that is Christmas decorations, so much so that I have my own tree for my special ornaments. I let the kids decorate their tree and I was very good this year and let them just do it without too much rearranging from me - except for the lights I did those first before I let them loose, but that was more of a safety issue. Had a bit of a melt down when a glass ball got smashed and conceded that I needed to get some plastic decorations for use on the tiled floor.
23 November 2008
Carb Overload

Feeling a bit sluggish today... probably all those carbs and other things I ate yesterday but mainly the carbs like these.
Did I over cater... Yes (this is only a small snap shot of food on offer)
Did we have a good time ... Yes
Did we sewing, laugh and have a great time ... Yes
Thanks to Sue, Kay, Lorraine, Leanne, Julie, Teresa, Danielle, Sally for coming along. Can you spot the bloggers?

These are the thankyou the gifts I made for the girls. From my hand dyed felt.

Here is proof that I actually did some sewing yesterday.. mind you it is still where I left it yesterday afternoon.

Here is proof that I actually did some sewing yesterday.. mind you it is still where I left it yesterday afternoon.

And last but not least my lovely gift

from Lorraine.
p.s. Sue and Kay I'll collect the bribe for not posting your photo's the next time we meet.
p.p.s Thank you Leanne for the lovely flowers.
20 November 2008
Cyber Stitching Day 2 More Sleeps
I am currently waiting for a batch of cup cakes to cook so thought I would fill you in on the mayhem that will probably unfold tomorrow. Teachers are on strike all day so I have the kids home on my day off, fun .... not ..... and I am all booked in for a massage at 9am thank you for MIL's who are happy to look after them for a couple of hours while I do shopping and get relaxed lol ready for an afternoon of baking.
I inherited my Nana's Sunbeam Mixmaster, it is probably 50 years old and I am sure one day it will conk out here's hoping it won't be tomorrow lol. I don't have any of the attachments just the beaters and 3 mixing bowls but it is just fantastic for mixing cakes. Gets a little hot and bothered sometimes if the batter is a bit thick but it really is an old work horse.
Just checked the cakes and they look pretty good...nice big fat golden cupcakes.... ready for lemon curd and cream... girls are you feeling hungry. Just to warn you my lemon curd cupcakes are legendary. I use to take them to the playgroup christmas party and they were always reserved for the mum's and I never had left overs. The Lime and Passionfruit Syrup cake came a close second so save room for that as well.
DJ VIP Night
Took my MIL to the DJ VIP night last night in the hope that she might start her christmas shopping (she did just). I though did much more damage to the DJ card and managed to max it out and a quantity of it was toys for the kids. Most of it though was spent on me lol. They usually have great savings on shoes (30%) so I usually buy a pair (this year I bought 2) because I couldn't decide which ones I liked more. The reason I bought the shoes was I bought a little black dress (I haven't had one of those since I was... well little). And although I am not little yet, this dress doesn't cling in the wrong places so it gives the illusion of littleness. Husband was very impressed ... not so much about the new shoes though (good job I hid the second pair lol). Said little black dress has a sparkly belt and to make it more versatile a none sparkly belt and DJ lady assures me it is a classic so I should be able to wear it 10 years down the track.
On another note got my Cyber Stitching Kit yesterday, have to decide which project to do and get that traced somewhere between now and Saturday, maybe I should of got up and done it at 2 or 3 oclock this morning when I lying awake in bed for no good reason.
16 November 2008
Finished Again
I definitely work better to a deadline. I wanted to have Seasons quilted by Cyber Stitching day and I put in the effort to finish it yesterday (when I should have been doing housework but couldn't find the enthusiasm). It is only grid quilted which I might add took longer cause it is soooo boring to do, I am sure it would have been finished months ago if it had been free motion because I find that fun to do. No pictures sorry will post after Cyber Stitching day so I have some show and tell.
14 November 2008
Off to The Fairies

My daughter and I are off to see The Fairies today. One of the mum's from her class mates works for The Fairies and gave us a couple of free tickets to the concert today. I said to her that the only reason I didn't say yes straight away (I thought about it overnight) was that I had to rush home from work to pick her up and then go back there because I work down the road from where the concert is and she has offered to pick her up with her child and drop her at my work..how great is that. My daughter is soooooooo excited she has been up since 6am jumping around the house, hope she still has plenty of energy by 3pm.
Went to the Chiropractor last night and she said "your such and such vertebrae was out.... have you been dizzy and light headed?" ummmm yes only on and off for a week.....have had blood tests and all manner of checks this week. That might explain why the Dr couldn't find anything wrong with me.
09 November 2008
08 November 2008
Cyber Stitching Day Count Down
Only 14 more sleeps to Cyber Stitching Day I hope all you girls coming have got your order in to Mrs Martin for your kits. It would be really good if you had one of your stitcheries already marked onto your background fabric before got here so that you can get stitching as soon as you arrive. Let me know if you don't have the time and I'll set up my light box. I think I am all organised....well I have my mental list ready anyway and have got the day before off work, but they are proposing a teachers strike on that day so we might end up with a modified menu if the kids get involved with the cooking lol.
Watched the pageant at home this year...can't say I missed the crammed train and the long walk and the waiting...bribed the kids with lollies and cake in front of the box and they were quite happy sitting in the comfort at home. But we did have to promise to take them again next year.
07 November 2008
Craft Fair Report

I have been told that my blog is a bit boring because there are no pictures (not mentioning names here), the fact is that I have to edit photo's on my other computer and it makes it not as easy as it use to be until I get elements on the laptop which may be a little while so quick picture is a bit harder but I will endeavor to get a bit more eye candy on the page in future LOL.
Here is my purchases from the craft fair. 2 Silk Caps to make fabric bowls. A new thimble from the Thimblelady (first purchase of the day). A new wire cutter for my beading (I mangled mine trying to cut something I shouldn't have (can't remember what now). Lovely pear tree ornie just divine and had to have it from the Christmas deco stall. Fabric from Sarah at Quilt Fabric Delights. The coloured scissors are cheap embroidery scissors that we try and stock up on every year because they are super sharp and you can just throw them in with your project and chuck them out when they are blunt. Silk yarn to hand dye in what ever colour I need (got last skein and a ball of hand spun hemp thread I thought this would be a good prim thread. And a christmas stitchery pattern because you can't leave the fair without one.
I took heaps and heaps of photo's of the quilt show but there were signs everywhere that you can't publish anything on the web so I can't show you my favourites. I don't quite understand the judging though there was one piece that was absolutely breathtaking in the art quilt section and it didn't get a prize and some of the other selections were a bit well...... The best of show quilts from around Australia where magnificent especially one where they explained how many hours it took to complete (4 years work) and what was done by hand and machine, it was applique which metallic thread hand couched around all the pieces it was the most beautiful quilt.
03 November 2008
Craft Fair
I managed to sneak away from the 5 year olds birthday party which was looking like being impossible but with the first scream from the Birthday girl (which was just wonderful bouncing off the hosts wooden floor NOT) I decided that it was very important that I get out of there so at the first opportunity I told DD that she didn't need me and bolted for the door. This gave me 2+ hours on my own to do with as I liked so off I went to the sewing room and got on to the ornies for the Christmas Ornie Swap. So while watching Northanger Abbey I cut, stuck glued and arranged to get my 9 ornies finished. When the kids went to bed I finished them so I am way ahead of schedule. Just got to fix something to hang them with and organise the wrapping and tag.
Yesterday I got out the Friends Guide to the Craft and Quilt Fair which starts on Thursday to give it a good study. I printed off the list of exhibitors to sort out my plan of attack. I see that the Thimblelady is going to be there so I might invest in another thimble because I can't sew without the one I have and there have been a few times when I have lost it and I have been absolutely beside myself until I had recovered it. Unique Stitching is another must (Mixed Media Supplies) and of course Quilt Fabric Delights. I have picked out 3 workshops that I would like to attend, two beading and one mixed media. Might not get there will have to discuss with Sue. And I have a little shopping list which I have just thought of something more to add to it.
01 November 2008
Clingy Stage
My daughter is going through a clingy stage at the moment which means that I have to stay at the 5 year old's party this afternoon where I could be home making in-roads into my ornies for the ornie swap. I have all the pieces ready just got to put them altogether then work out how I am going to post them round Australia and keep them in one piece. I can't show you a picture because I think most of the girls stop by here every now and the so I just have to tease them a little. I was fiddling round with my prototype and even though it ended a little worse for wear I think the final result should be lovely .
I also started another secret project which I will reveal later in November when they are all finished. I have quite a few to make and I might have to go shopping again because I can't find the felt I need to finish them off, I know it is in my sewing room somewhere but when I had my clean out the other week I put them somewhere safe and I can't remember where. Maybe Sarah will have some at the Craft Fair on Thursday otherwise I will have to order some more because time is running out.
Talking about the Craft Fair I am heading there on Thursday with Sue. We haven't gone together for a few years and it is always more fun with friends to egg you on. I have arranged for MIL to pick up the kids from school so I don't have to rush back. It is so much nicer to walk around after everyone has left to pick the kids up, probably be totally broke by that stage though. I am not buying beads this year as I didn't use any of the beads that I bought last year and I am not going to buy much fabric because I have no more room for any more. But I am sure to visit Sarah from Quilt Fabric Delights and say hello, and visit the mixed media store which will be there which means I need to check what I have because I am bound to be drawn to the same stuff again and I will want something different.
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