Well that's August gone don't ask me where it went. Work is very busy, with the move 2 and a bit weeks away, i've been trying to make sure we are organised and sorting through papers and working out what needs to be disposed of. My boss keeps telling me not to tell me what is going off to the shredder.
I did manage to finish another doll. The dolls are keeping me from going insane at the moment. I have another body just about finished ready to put hair on. I've decided to just do a few bodies for now and then work out how I want to dress them.
I've also been collecting a few embroidery patterns from Cottage Garden Threads, and I'm planning to work through the field journals but I don't think I will bother about collecting the threads as I have a big stash of Cottage Garden Threads as well as countless other varieties which will be fine to use in the project.
In July Maestro got notified that he needed to be available for Jury duty in August. He wasn't happy and but we talked him round, and it turned out he wasn't picked for a trial. He only lost a couple of days work in the end.
This week he is desert module at TAFE. He's not a dessert person but I think it looks pretty good.

Mo did another bake sale and the raised a good pot of money for the Grad Show. Here are her efforts.

Thats it for me this fortnight, it has only taken 3 days to write this post.
Head to Kate's you know the drill.