03 March 2025

15 Minute Challenge & Chihuly Nights

 Work is still nuts, at least I am getting paid for the extra hours I am working.  I've been trying not to work extra every day but I'm making sure I have down time.  

Mo got free tickets to Chihuly Nights at the Botanic Gardens, only problem was that the temperature was 43 that day, little old Adelaide registered as the hottest place in the world that day.  The heat didn't let up but the glass sculptures were amazing.  

I trimmed all the threads and gave La Cropte a good press.  

And I started a new crochet project, its using some 10 ply that I was using for another project.  

This weekend we had sit and sew which was lovely and I helped at the Crochet Guild table at Fibre Feast which was so much fun.  We were encouraging all the crochet ladies to come to our fun monthly meeting in a Pub Beer Garden I think our meeting next week might be our biggest yet.  

Head to Kate's to see what everyone is up to.  

10 February 2025

15 Minute Challenge & Workshop

 Work is pretty full on, the co-worker who has been with us for 12 months resigned and after saying they'd work the week left 3pm the first day of the week and wasn't seen again except to drop off the keys to the office.  That was 2 weeks ago but it feels like 3 months ago, it has been lots of work to mop up the mess.  Though today I feel like I am almost back on track.  I will be back to being busy most of the time but at least I don't have to micromanage a man child.  

Last weekend was the Summertime Stitching with Petra Prins and Judith Ebbelaar they showed some interesting techniques for applique and most of their quilts are hand pieced.  It was a fun weekend but I should have done the 4 days not just the weekend, but with everything that has been going on at work I wouldn't have been able to have the time off.  They showed us how to do Dutch Binding which I think I will try out soon.  

Saturday was crochet guild, I have volunteered to help man the stall at Fibre Feast for a couple of hours in early March and help steward at the Royal Adelaide Show in August.  The group is still quite small and we have a fun time once a month showing off what we have done our latest pattern we are working on.  

I've just signed up for another workshop with Judy Newman and Margaret Mews at the end of March this is 3 days, I just told the boss I'm having Friday off but I might need a swap with my Thursday.

Sit and Sew is on 1st March with Fibre Feast on 2nd I'm up for a busy few weekends.  

I think I only stitched one day last week, so not good, did a bit of crochet on the weekend but managed to put together the last pieced border of LaCropte which I'm back to not liking again.  Let me know what you think... my thoughts are fabric vomit.  

I'll leave you with my redwork progress, which has been slow as I think I may be developing arthritis in my index finger.

28 January 2025

15 Minute Challenge & Long Weekend

 We had a long weekend this past week, but I did end up doing some work so it wasn't all enjoyable.  Hopefully the issues at work will be sorted by the end of the week and although I will be a lot busier again it will be a bit less stressful.

Its Mo's birthday today, she is 22 where did that time go.  I think she is bit miffed she had to work on her birthday.  She made a cake, ran out of cream but because of the holiday with no shops open the top is a bit half finished.  I am sure it will taste just fine.  She has booked a trip to London and Europe in May so we got her a few travel essentials.  

I had a finish, a pretty bag from Hetties Patch and finished another border on the La Cropte Quilt.  

I am looking forward to a weekend workshop with Petra Prins and Judith Ebbelaar should be fun and I won't be thinking about work and will probably end with another couple of projects to finish.  

07 January 2025

15 minute challenge Happy New Year

We had another super chill Christmas even though it was very hot.  The airconditioner was put on at 8am and didn't go off until we went to bed.  Ended up with a sinus infection between christmas and new year so I was pretty fed up with myself by New Years Day but after 5 days of yuck it finally lifted.  

I had a wonderful day on Saturday the local quilt shop (that went online 2 years ago) has started a sit and sew day the first weekend of the month.  So I'm all booked up. 

Over Christmas I picked up a number of Japanese embroidery books so I have started a Christmas Table runner on some white linen.  That was my project for the first month.  The first motive is powering along but I'm not committing to which Christmas it will be finished.  

The table cloth from my last post has gone back in the cupboard.  

I've moved along with the hand piecing the end is in sight.  

Over the break I did a bit more folding and tidying of the fabric cupboards (mainly to find the linen to do the embroidery).  In my travels I found a project that I thought might be worth finishing.  Here are the blocks so far.  When I first pulled them out I was planning a 3 X 4 block quilt not realising how big these suckers are when finished.  I think the blocks are 23" so there is no way its going to be bigger the 3 x 3 now, so I will have a few left over blocks which I think I'll join and put on the back.  

Might contemplate hand quilting as the  blocks are far from perfect and I think a bit of big stitch quilting with pearl cotton might be a bit more forgiving with these wonky blocks.  

IT was my first day back at work today. I'm taking all my plant babies back to the office in stages because it is a bit of a chore to take them up the stairs to the office.  DH and I repotted them all (which was more work than he was anticipating) but they are all in fresh soil and hopefully with thrive for another year.  My succulents that have been on the balcony filled up the previous container so I got a nice bowl removed  all the babies and put them back into the old pot to grow again.

The rest of the plants will go back tomorrow.  There are a few more for the balcony and for my window sill.   

Thats it for me I'll try and blog a bit more regularly this year.

Head to kate's  you know the drill.