18 February 2011

Favourite Things Friday


It was going to be Fabric but I can't narrow it down to that it has to be Textiles, because it involves, fabric, thread, ribbon, braid, wool, fabric, silk and more.  I think I can safely say that I love everything to do with Textiles and using it to make ... well ... stuff is my favourite thing this week.

Yes I am a textileaholic and I won't be flashing any photo's because then I will really have to come face to face with my addiction.

I don't know if it is a tactile thing or a visual thing but it is a hunger to have it that can never be satisfied (sick I know).  

It has been a couple of months since I have bought anything that wasn't market related I told you of my trip to Hetties yesterday then I got an email about some fabric that I just had to have so impulsively I purchased a bundle of that as well.  Don't ask what I am going to do with either of these purchases but as soon as I can find some space in my sewing room I will be chopping it all up to do something or maybe it will just go into the stash.....

for more FTF head on over to Mrs P


Kirsten said...

Great favourite...don´t we all love textiles? So good to just look at, feel them and work with. Have a wonderful day.

Kate said...

If you polled Mrs. P's FTF crowd, you'd probably find a lot of company in the textileacholic category! Great FTF.

Michelle said...

LOL! I think we all fit into some category of Textileaholic.

Shay said...

I completely understand this being a favourite. I too am obsessed.

If you had told me a few years ago that I would buy fabric just because I liked the look and feel of it - with no actual project in mind - I would have told you , you were crazy.

Only other fabric or textile-ophiles get it.

I wanna see your stash ! I bet it 's impressive!

Great FTF.

Elizabeth said...

I can totally relate. I think it is the combination of the two -- the texture and the visual. I always have to pet the fabrics when I go into a shop. Thanks for a great FTF.

xo -El

Sarcastic Quilter said...

I've got to say, I have to completly appreciate your textaholizm! :D

Baa-Me Kniits said...

I can totally relate!! Great FTF :-)

Marg said...

I can totally relate too, I absolutely love fabric, and yarns.