I decided the day after Christmas that I should start walking again. It had all fallen by the wayside in the Christmas rush. My tally for this week was 60 km which I was pretty impressed with and since Christmas I have only missed one day and that was because I was in bed with a tummy bug.
I even walked through the heat wave, but I got up before the sun did, drove down to the beach (I usually walk that bit) parked at Grange Jetty and walked to Henley Jetty along the bike/walk track then walked on the beach on the way back through the water trying to get a bit of relief from the heat. Coco really doesn't like getting that wet, by the end of the week she was well and truly sick of walking in the water but because there was a full moon the tide was really high and there wasn't much option other than to walk through the water.
This is the beach during the heat wave, the sea was dead calm there was no breeze at all and it was very quiet.
It has all changed this week. It is quite brisk in the morning, and the constant pounding of surf is quite relaxing as I walk along.
Can't say that any creativity has happened this week. This weekend we all just recovered from the heat of last week and this week has been mega busy both at work and at home, preparing for the start of the school year and Squid's birthday party tomorrow.
Coco was sick one night this week, don't know if it was something she ate or a reaction to the heat... poor thing, I was up all night with her wanting to go outside to the toilet. There have been reports that there is a lot of Parvo in the Northern Suburbs and as we were mixing with a lot of dogs during the week I did have some concerns. She has been vaccinated and she wasn't presenting all the symptoms. I ended up feeding her a heap of plain yogurt throughout the day and avoided giving her any meat and by evening she was a lot better and more her old self.
She slept through the next night .... which was a good thing because I could do with another night without sleep and was up raring to go for her walk the next day.
I got my parcel from MO today, can't believe we are up to Month 6.... I'm still on month 1 of Your Place or Mine .. have finished a couple of houses and will probably get them out again tonight and try and finish the last 2. I haven't even opened Urban Owls yet, but I love this months pack with its Templates to make Queen of May blocks.
Speaking of Templates I did have a play at using my Hex N More Ruler.... lots of serious fun to be had with that Ruler... I have ordered a couple of patterns from the US (can't get them here yet) just to get an idea of how to put the pieces together. All I have been able to find is cutting instructions nothing on the piecing. Did watch a YouTube video and she says there are no Y seams but I can't work out how she does some of the hexagon blocks. Of course the one pattern I really wanted was out of stock. So will have to put it on back order..... waiting impatiently for those.
Haven't done any painting either, so I am a bit behind, but might get a chance tomorrow afternoon or on the weekend... fingers crossed.