The start of daylight savings has meant that I don't feel all that ready to go to bed early even though the last few days have been pretty full on with prep for Maestro's birthday on Thursday. He is a bit worried though because the beautiful weather we have had the last few days is set to turn bad on that day and he has planned a picnic lunch with ball games in the park. I've told him just to see how the day pans out there is no point in worrying until the rain happens.
School holidays means keeping the kids happy with activities, twe walked down the the beach this afternoon I had an errand and the kids saw an opportunity for ice cream.
Last week I purchased this little gismo. I really needed to get back on the diet wagon. I know it is probably a copout, but stress and weight loss just doesn't mix with me. So I gave myself a break until I was ready to pick up the baton again.
D Day was last week. Previously I hit a plateau when my lack of regular exercise just wasn't cutting it so I thought that if I could track my movement I would at least know the days when I needed to move my butt a bit more. So far it has worked. Early in the first week on the days that I worked I just didn't get my 10K but every day I have been home I've aced it and today this was my total at 4.00pm and I still have a couple of hours of activity before I settle for the evening so there is a chance for 15K today.
The gismo is a fitbit it syncs to the computer and my phone, not so effortlessly with my ipad for some reason but once it updates on the phone it automatically updates the ipad. The app tells me how many active minutes I have had and I can feed that into my WW APP which I use to track food.
They have a couple of other gismo's that track sleep as well but I figure I don't really need to know how much sleep I don't get a night. This was the cheaper option anyway and I wanted to work out if it would help me first. Maybe when I am fitter I will think about upgrading to the bells a whistle models.
Hope the party goes well and good luck with the weight loss. I wish it was as easy to loose as to put on. Bella and I have been hitting the pavement each morning.
Good on you Amanda for getting back to doing something that's important to you. Finding time to exercise is something I keep putting off !
Happy Birthday to the Maestro and hope the party is a ton of fun!
Hope you are enjoying your time off. Happy Birthday to Maestro. I have my fingers crossed that he'll have great weather that day.
Good for you on making a change to improve your fitness. I really need to do the same, but it's hard with a busy schedule to even think about it.
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