This time last year I was seriously debating whether to close up Seabreeze Quilts or give it a real go. I went for the give it a real go and I am happy to say that business has got better. Basically I got a bit more serious about things behind the scenes. Got a new logo which I love, did a bit more promoting through Social Medial and I am happy to say sales have improved through my etsy and craftsy shops, I've designed some patterns that I am really proud of and have been asked to design for a magazine and my Beginners Class this term is full and has a waiting list so I am a happy with what I have achieved in just one year and look I am really looking forward to 2015.
I've just finished going over my notes from last years class and I did a pretty good job there was a couple of typos that I have now fixed but the notes are pretty comprehensive and I couldn't think of anything to add to them. Tuesday is the first week of the new beginners class and I am really looking forward to meeting my new students.
I managed IQS's first week pretty well though I went out to lunch for work and we had Chinese one night for Squids birthday the only problem I seem to be having is the amount of food they expect you to eat. I've tried a few things that I haven't had before Wild Rocket (yuck tastes like sticks to me) and Fennel tonight which I liked. This surprised me because I am not a fan of licorice but it was quite nice and once cooked the aniseed smell/taste was very mild. Next week is supposed to be harder because you are to stop all the sweet stuff but the food looks pretty good and as I haven't been craving because I've been doing this for a while so I don't think it will be and issue. I've done my Sunday cook up (breakfast muffins below/) and I also made another Buckwheat loaf which was quite yummy from last weeks list.
I also purchased the kit for the Homespun 2015 BOM. Don't ask me when I'm going to get it done, but I figure as it is pretty much all appliqué and paper piecing I probably have more chance of doing it than some of my other BOM's that I've been collecting.
Im so glad you persevered with your business because you deserve for it to be a success . Great news about the class being full! Im sure your students will enjoy themselves immensely under your tutelage.
Im trying to eat healthier food at the moment ...I have to tell you Im dreaming about chips...
Sewing here has been non existent for about 7 weeks . Im hoping to get back into some sort of routine in the next week . Im struggling to juggle the lack of time I have in the mornings due to the new job, but I have to find a way to get some sewing done!
Glad to hear that the changes you made have made the pattern/shop more successful.
I'm not sure where the days are going either. It seems I'm up and out the door, then back and ready for bed.
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