30 September 2024

15 Minute Challenge and a busy Month

 The usual September hoo ha is over today.  Lots and lots of invoices to finalise and our accounts department decided they needed to do end of month at 11.15, then wouldn't let us in the system for another hour which is the longest its taken all year.  I'm not sure why all the managers weren't up in arms, at least I managed to get everything done in the end, but I wasn't happy.    

My co-worker was back today so that is one less thing to worry about and I go on holiday in 2 weeks.  Yay can't wait we have a road trip planned.  

Mo's market prep is in full swing, she is making lots of props for a her products and she is printing off her stickers and art prints now all the other items are done, fingers crossed she does well.

Maestro's apprenticeship  is finished and he is now a fully qualified Chief and starts a new contract.  He was hoping to drop a day now and mainly do front of house but I'm not sure how that will go as they had one of the cooks leave unexpectedly so we will have to wait and see.

I've been busy and have had a few finishes the last couple of weeks.  A couple of sewing boxes and a quilt finish.  

My latest crochet throw is finished just have to wash and block it, so that will have to wait until next time.  

Head to Kate's you know the drill.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congrats to Maestro! Hopefully his job works out the way he wants it too. Good luck to Mo on all the show prep. You've been busy. Those sewing boxes are really cool. Very pretty finishes all of them. Hope work calms down a bit before you head out on vacation.