I just got delivery of this book from Piece O' Cake. I really love Piece O'Cake Designs... Have I actually made one of their quilts... No.. But I probably have most of their books and have collected fabric for about 3 large quilts and even started one or two. The thing that doesn't sit with me is their overlay thingy I find it a bit too THINGY (too much reaching for perfection) and finicky for me. I thought this book might dispense with the overlay but it doesn't, I don't know why with a book on a more whimsical feel applique they haven't left that bit out. Having had my whine I love the book, the quilts are fabulous (I will just ignore the overlay bit). And there are about 3 quilts that I just have to make and the lovely backgrounds will be a great way to reduce my stash..
If I haven't put you off, click on the picture below and it will take you straight to the book in fishpond.
I just got an email to say that my Weather Photo is going to be in the Weather Calendar and I have an invite to go to the launch. So if you voted for me thank you.