I am working on a secret project at the moment... well a few secret projects. I will reveal all in a few weeks. I have lots and lots of ideas buzzing round in my head and I have started putting a few things in place so there will be a big reveal soon. Now that I have let the cat out of the bag sort of it will have to happen. Won't it? That will be my motivation.
It is all a bit ridiculous really as the next couple of months are going to be an absolute nightmare. It is our busiest time at work and lots and lots of stuff happening with the kids and workshops and just lots of stuff that I have to do. But I always work better to a deadline so I am just putting it out there... But what you ask.....
Today I started my daughters costume for the school concert. The teachers comment was that everyone must have a national costume at home, well this family doesn't. I remembered a costume I had as a child doing ballet so I am making that for the Squid. The skirt is finished just have to make a peasant top. I got a great pattern from YouCanMakeThis.com which I can use to make dresses as well as shirts so very happy. And the Squid is very happy with the skirt as I told her that she can use it for dress ups after the concert she wanted to wear it as a party skirt (if I had known she was going to say that I wouldn't have taken so many shortcuts lol).
The picture is of the water pooling around a jetty pillions it was taken on a summer's day many months ago...I used the image today in some of the stuff I am doing for the secret squirrel business.
Here is what it looked like this weekend when we went for a walk down to see if they had finished all the construction down by the Jetty it isn't quite finished but it is starting to look good (It was supposed to be finished in March). They have reduced the amount of parking so we had to park further away from the jetty than we use to be able to... it will be a nightmare come summer ... this was a cold winters day with no one at the beach.

mmmmm interesting!
I look forward to the big reveal
when ever and whatever it is.
I know what you mean about the next couple of months, I've had a 'canary fit' today realising what I have to get done in the next 8 or so weeks.
Mmmm summer I remember that. Are you going to tell me on Tuesday.
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