Maestro is on camp at the moment he is due back today. What a roller coaster that has been, he wasn't going then he was happy to go up until the weekend then he didn't want to go again. Just hope he has had a reasonable time. He played a trial game of footy on the weekend and managed to sprain his thumb so I doubt he would have been doing any obstacle courses or whatever it is they are doing on this camp. We are still waiting to hear on the High School program I keep thinking the letter will arrive and it hasn't maybe today the suspense is killing me.
The crochet is nearly finished I am working on the edge stitching, I got the pattern from Attic24 great site for all things crochet and lots of lovely pictures of english countryside. Will post pictures of it all done. Yesterday I picked up some fabric for the next online event, lovely Kate Spain range.
The week went like this:
Wednesday: Crochet
Thursday: Nadda
Friday: Crochet
Saturday: Nadda
Sunday: Starburst blocks / mixed media
Monday Nadda
Tuesday: Crochet
Real mixed bag of something and nothing this week but on the days I did do something I did more than 15minutes so it kind of makes up for it.
Head on over to Kate's to see who else has met the challenge.
Pick quiet times to ride on the road, there are a reasonable amount of bike lanes out your way (I think)
Bicycle SA run paid courses
I keep talking about getting a bike .. maybe some day soon. After we get them, we'll probably put them on the car and drive to bike paths.
Not a bad week craftiness wise - more days doing than not.
Hope you decide on what to do with the walls.
Im seriously impressed that you bought a bike.
Are the lovely bright fabrics in your picture from Kate Spain? I love them!
Considering the wall paper stripping (ugh – one of the worst jobs ever ) I think you had a pretty good week.
And I hope that letter arrives today bearing great news.
Getting the wallpaper off in the kitchen is pretty productive. It's hard to sew when you've to home stuff going on. Not a bad week, more crafting than not.
Hope that Maestro's good news letter arrives soon. Have fun with the bike, hope you get a chance to ride soon.
Has said bike been named yet.
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