18 August 2024

15 Minute Challenge and its been a while

 Sorry its been over a month.  Monday night has been problematic for blogging so I'm giving a go on Sunday night.  We have been picking up Mo from work Monday nights she doesn't finish till late and then we cook dinner and it better to sit in front of the TV and stitch or crochet than blog.  

I also was sick for a couple of weeks, got some bug thanks to Mo who caught it off her boyfriend.  I can't really complain haven't been sick with cold since before covid and have so far missed out on Covid joy.  We all did Covid/Flu test and it wasn't either of those so just garden variety cold with a bit of a lingering cough.  

But as you can see I have been busy even with a week break spent on the lounge doing zip.  There is a finished quilt top and a finished embroidery piece.    I'm unsure what to do with the embroidered piece I'm leaning towards framing it, just don't know where I will put it.  DH doesn't like to hang things on the wall but I'm thinking I could put it above my sewing draws in the lounge room, but might have to sneak it there and see if he notices.

Work has been busy on and off, we probably need to divide some the work a bit better as I am getting bored at times waiting for things to come back from clients.  Its a nice break from been constantly under the pump but I don't like having so little to do.  But as my offsider is about to go on paternity leave for a couple of weeks at the drop of a hat I am probably going to regret these comments soon.  

I leave you with a picture from my walk around the lake this morning.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

Both projects turned out beautifully. My Guy always doesn't like me to hang anything, including curtain rods on the wall. It's maddening at times! Hope you are feeling 100% soon.