01 March 2012

Setting Changes - Sorry

Can't stand googles new verification thingy my 40+ year old eyes just can't cope with those jumbled up letters so I have turned it off on my blog.  The problem was yesterday I managed to get fairly well spammed so much so my ISP sent me a note and directed me to their appropriate use of the network page, so they must have filtered out a fair few before they actually got to me.

The upshot is you will have to have a google account to comment because that is the only way to stop all the Mr/Ms Anonymousers who aren't playing nice.  If you blog and you want to turn it off as well but don't know how head on over to ChookyBlue she has explained it all for you.


thea said...

no worries on my part. I think I'll take a poll of my bloggers...

thea said...

oops, followers.

Marg said...

I haven't had word verification on for ages and I've had one spam comment in that time and that was picked up by blogger and put in my spam folder.
The new word verification thing is driving me nuts. I hope Blogger gets the message that it is horrible and will fix it.

Chookyblue...... said...

I wished we had the old one..........