22 April 2019

Happy Easter and the 15 minute challenge

Its school holidays and uni break happens at the same time this term.  We did the big 6 months check at the dentist on Thursday and I've been enjoying a 5 day break from work.  I've been doing lots of stitching have worked on Eq starting to get the borders worked out for the BOM and finished the first block.  I have started working on the first block pattern.  It should be easy to get them all done before the start as the blocks are all the same size it will just be the templates that will change.

I had an idea for the big border the other day and it is starting to look beautiful on the screen hopefully it will look as good in fabric.  Here is the start of block 2 lot of leaves in this one and it is the first of the wreath blocks

Mo and I went to see the musical Aladdin on Saturday night it was wonderful.  I haven't been to see a musical in a long time.  It was something I always did with my Mum and it just wasn't the same.  We had a lovely time and Mo is hooked, I think we will be going to see more in the future.

The picture below is of Adelaide Oval from the other side of the river it was so pretty with it all lit up with Cathedral in the background.

With all the work above on the quilt I had another 7 out of 7 this week.   I also helped Mo with a birthday present she wanted to make for a birthday party she is going to this week and she made a scrunchie from some fabric we bought at the Quilt show a couple of weeks ago.

Lots and lots of sewing happening in this neck of the woods.

See how everyone else is going at Kate's 


Kate said...

Sounds like a fun evening for you and Mo. Hope both the kids are enjoying the break. The SIT has 2.5 weeks of the semester left and boy is she ready to be done with this semester. She'll about about three weeks off before summer classes start up. Love the new blocks you have in the works. Hope you get in some good stitching time this week.

Christina said...

I love the bright colors of the blocks against the black backgrounds. They look amazing! Great job on finding at least 15 each day!