18 November 2019

15 Minute Challenge & Maestro has his License

I have been working on lots of different projects this week.  It has been another 7 out of 7 for the challenge.

There are a few more larger sections of the top border filled in but still a long way to go.

I have basted the quilt top that I started at my sewing retreat.  Found the perfect backing fabric (white with tiny bee hives and bees on it which went with the whole bee theme of the fabric range.

I made a knot headband for Mo, she has been using one that she got in Japan which is a pigs face complete with ears and snout so she doesn't like to wear it out.  She found it didn't flatten her curls and held them out of her face. They were ridiculously easy to make, I just need to purchase some stretch needles for my sewing machine before I go into production for her.  Here is the link to the tutorial I used.

She also has been at me to buy her some cloth pad's.  They aren't cheap to purchase but I found a pattern download on Etsy so I am going to give that a go.  However by the time I've shelled out for all the components I probably won't save much but at least she can experiment with them while she is not at school over the summer.  I can't say I am totally on board with the idea but if she is happy to do the cleaning she can have a go.

I have also started a boro bag.  There is lot of stitching to go.  I have nearly finished the 1" stitches, then I have to complete 1/2" and then 1/4 for the sides of the bag and the bottom.  This is probably going to take a while as I am just doing it when I need a break from appliqué at the moment.

Maestro got his drivers licence this week.  He works 40 minutes away and my husband has been doing the lion's share of drop off and pick up so him driving has eased that burden at least though parking will become an issue as they get closer to Christmas as the restaurant he works at is in large shopping centre but we will both be on leave for when he is working the most.

We are about to start the great room shuffle.... I've been trying to put it off as long as possible but with school finishing for Mo this week with a couple of 1/2 days for exams and next year prep I can't put it off anymore.  Maestro purchased a new bed frame last week and I came home from work to find he has  assembled it in the new room which I guess means I have to purchase the new mattress to go on it.

Well that's my stitching round up.  I leave you with a picture of Coco who featured on the dog groomers facebook page last week.  Unfortunately she only looks like this for a couple of days.  I think next time we will have to give her a closer cut as we are heading into hotter weather (this week we are heading for 42C).

How'd you go this week.  Check out everyone else's challenge at Kate's


Shelina said...

Your dog is cute. I really like the boro piece. The pads are probably cheaper in the long run, although they are expensive at first.

Kate said...

Lots going on at your house. Love that photo of Coco, she looks like she's quite the character. Good luck with the room scramble stuff. Oh and congrats to Maestro on getting his license. (Sorry for the late reply, work has been an absolute killer this week).