Everthing you touch is a disaster. It all started with the modem...9am it just died... so I ended up taking it to the service provider to check it out. Then it was my mobile decided that it wouldn't charge so rushed down to the phone shop as I was waiting for the Tech to ring. Luckily that was at least fixable. Then I get the news that the modem is dead and buried so wait for hubby to get home and run down to office works and get a new modem which says EASY INSTALL. Get it home and take it out of the box and all its internal bits are rattling around in the case..so back in the car to the shop for another modem....back home and try and do easy install and the thing gets its nickers in a twist....so then have to wait for 9am to speak to tech again. Meantime husband is really concerned about the modem (he never worries about the computer). Turns out he needed to do some work from home as he was having the day off today.
In the meantime I decide to work a bit on my last birthday swap turn the iron on do a bit of work with the iron then some sewing then back to the iron and it is dead. At that point I decided not to touch anything more electrical and finished tracing The Twelve Days of Xmas Stitchery which kept me out of trouble till bed time.
Today was my son's 8th Birthday. This day started as early as possible, and then we headed out with a couple of his friends for a movie and lunch at Macca's with a hoard of kids on school holidays yuck. Once we dropped off the friends then we headed to the shop to spend the birthday money and now it is 8.30 and the kids are in bed and after making home made pasties and sausage rolls I am a bit pooped to say the least.
Things always run in threes.....I think irons last 11 months and 28 days then they die. I must admit I don't miss kids birthdays at Maccas.
Have a great weekend
eeeeeuw...don't you just hate it when everything thing you touch just breaks!! I might be off the air for awhile from today.....we have decided to get a wireless modem so the kids can use their laptops on line etc.....it arrived the other day and has been sitting on the table in the hall....it says something about easy install but I know that it is another way of saying if all goes well it will be easy...but more often than not there is a glitch!.....I am with Leanne.....I don't miss kids birthdays at Macca's either...and during school hols.....you are deserving of some sort of medal I think!!....and will you stop it with the home made pasties etc...!!! LOL
Glad to see you are back on air. Good to see you survived the birthday bash, just. Happy birthday to Daniel. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Cheers S
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