Every year around this time I like to try and have a clean out of the sewing room, this year I am getting really serious about it. I'm going to clear some of the magazines out that I haven't looked out in years. Just have to work out what I am going to do with them I would prefer that they go to a good crafting home but if not they will be heading to the recycle bin. There are also some old novels in there that just have to go the local library has a section where you can donate books so they will be heading there. I have a draw or 2 of dress patterns that I am biting the bullet over as well I'm hoping the local Op Shop might be interested.
So now for the challenge the week went like this:
Wednesday: Coffee with the girls
Thursday: quilting
Friday: squids birthday recovery
Saturday: clean up , quilting
Sunday: clean up, quilting
Monday: quilting
Tuesday: quilting
Head on over to Kate's to see who else has met the challenge.
Great week, especially since you had a kids birthday party in there. Those do take some recovery time!
Sounds like you have a plan for your sewing room. Good luck getting it all implemented.
You are so organised Amanda! Can I suggest that you donate the old sewing magazines to op shops too? I never used to donate magazines, but when my daughter and her husband were both students an op shop magazine would cheer her up no end and inspire her for very little money. Just a thought. That way your old mags can go on inspiring people! I am hoping to have a clear out here too. It may take me all year though I think!
I got rid of all my magazines when I moved three years ago......I don't buy them anymore.......love having a good clean out in the. Sewing room....always find loads of things I had forgotten about!
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