07 November 2015

Flowers for Alison update and SAPSASA Tennis Week

I've decided to not produce a block for Flowers for Alison this month and prepare 2 blocks for 1 of December.  It was just going to make the whole pattern thing a bit messy.  I'm halfway through the first block and I think I will do the 4 corner blocks for that were left from border of Block 2.  That way you will be able to join half the quilt together.  There are two more appliqué blocks left one is quite large and the other is a smaller one, so I will probably leave the large block for January when I have some time off.  There will also need to be some more filler blocks made.  I have an idea for borders but I want to get the centre finished before I start making firm plans.

Squid was in the Western District Squad for the SAPSASA tennis carnival this week.  So we had a week of tennis.  She had a ball and the team took out the 2 Div competition.  The kids all got on really well and they just had a lot of fun and didn't take it all too seriously.

 Squid with a couple of friends and their medals.  

Here are all the kids that participated from her school.  

Before we went on holiday Squids film for the International Youth Silent Film Competition got in as a finalist and was screened at the Capri Theatre. Squid and her fellow actors/film makers went along for the screening the Group's film took out the viewers choice award.  The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters were all High School Students so the kids were amazed that the viewers loved their film the best.

All the film makers from the first screening.  

1 comment:

Kate said...

Way to go Squid! Sounds like she's doing really well on multiple fronts.