09 March 2020

15 Minute Challenge and Springtime Romance top finish

As far as the challenge goes this week wasn’t so good only a 5 out of 7 this week.  Movie night with the girls so no sewing and then Friday night I just couldn’t be bothered starting, and the kids were in a chatty mood so we just sat on the lounge and had a bit of a laugh over silly things that they had got up to during the day.  Mo had been on an art excursion and was talking about some of the kids in her class that Maestro knew.

DH had been having drinks with people from work and he came home to find us all just having a laugh and he was sorry he hadn’t come home earlier as we are rarely all in the same room at the one time I guess that’s what it is like with teenagers these days.  Maestro is either working or out and Mo is usually studying or just doing stuff in her room.

We have a long weekend this weekend so I planned to finish Springtime Romance this weekend.  I thought that it wouldn’t be done till today but I finished late yesterday afternoon.  So today I gave it a good press and we hung it for a picture.

So here it is straight from my phone.  I have ordered backing fabric which will hopefully arrive this week and I have the batting ready to go.  

So how did you go this week.  Head to Kate's to see how the challenge went.


Kate said...

It's nice when you get family time with the kids. It's a lot harder when they are older as they seem to be on the go all the time. Springtime Romance turned out beautifully! Even though you didn't get in as much stitching time as planned you still got in a finish, so it's a good week.

Anonymous said...

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