14 November 2008

Off to The Fairies

My daughter and I are off to see The Fairies today.  One of the mum's from her class mates works for The Fairies and gave us a couple of free tickets to the concert today.  I said to her that the only reason I didn't say yes straight away (I thought about it overnight) was that I had to rush home from work to pick her up and then go back there because I work down the road from where the concert is and she has offered to pick her up with her child and drop her at my work..how great is that. My daughter is soooooooo excited she has been up since 6am jumping around the house, hope she still has plenty of energy by 3pm. 

Went to the Chiropractor last night and she said "your such and such vertebrae was out.... have you been dizzy and light headed?"  ummmm yes only on and off for a week.....have had blood tests and all manner of checks this week.  That might explain why the Dr couldn't find anything wrong with me.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

You need to stop rushing around so much that will stop the light headedness. Hope your back is fixed soon.