I took the kids to the Market today which meant getting them up early because I don't like to have to look for a car park I like there to be lots of choice so we were there by 8.45. As usual we did a quick scout around to find the good stalls and work out what we would buy then headed for the coffee shop for Hot Chocolates for the kids and a Latte for me mmmmm. We shopped for veggies and a few other things that would be ok in the car for a while and then I decided to take the opportunity to head up to the mall on the tram to do a little bit of shopping for me (new camera bag).
I haven't been on the new trams before and they were quite quick and not very crowded because we missed the morning peak but I did have to sit backwards which isn't a good move for me but I didn't feel sick but it was only a short trip. I picked up by bag and then headed back to the market on the tram again.
Then it was off to buy yummy cold meats, fish and chicken and head on home.
Our boys and their hot chocolates!
I so wish we could get to the Central Market more often - glad you enjoyed it.
I love the central market don't seem to get there enough.
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